Dividend in 2015
On 22 June 2015, the Annual General Meeting of Železiarne Podbrezová a.s. decided that the right to dividend from retained earnings, in the amount of EUR 2.00 per share, have all persons who were the owners of the Železiarne Podbrezová a.s. shares at 27 June 2015 (hereinafter shareholders). Dividend is payable within 60 days from this definite date and it will be paid at the costs of the Company.
Payment of dividend to shareholders will be held as follows:
a) INDIVIDUALS - by money order of Poštová banka a.s. sent to the address of the shareholder, by means of bank transfer to shareholders’ account or in cash at the cash office in the registered office of the Company.
If a shareholder requests dividend to be paid by transfer to the bank account, it is necessary to file a simple request for the payment of dividend (stating shareholder’s name, surname, date of birth, permanent address and bank account number.) The signature of the applicant must be authenticated (by registry office or notary).
In case a shareholder has already asked the Company for the payment of dividend by means of bank transfer, it is not necessary to send a new request.
If a shareholder requests dividend to be paid in cash at the cash office in the registered office of the Company, it is necessary to agree a date in advance by contacting Capital management department.
If a shareholder does not require payment of dividend by means of bank transfer or in cash at the cash office, the Company will send them dividend automatically by means of a postal order.
b) LEGAL ENTITIES - by means of bank transfer to shareholders’ account. It is necessary to submit the following:
- Request for the payment of dividend stating the exact specification of the applicant (trade name, registered office, Company Identification No., the number of registration in the Commercial Register), bank account number and contact person number. The request must be signed by an authorised representative with the authenticated signature;
- Original or certified copy of the up-to-date copy of the entry in the Business Registry (not older than three months).
In case of the representation on the basis of authorisation it is necessary to present the following:
a) power of attorney with notarized signature of the shareholder (the principal);
b) the original or certified copy of a recent extract from the Commercial Register (not older than three months) if the shareholder is (the principal) is the legal entity;
c) an original or certified copy of a recent extract from the Commercial Register (not older than three months) if the shareholders representative (a proxy) is the legal entity;
d) a request for payment of dividend, indicating the bank account number and notarized signature of the proxy, in the case of an application for payment of the dividend by transfer to a bank account.
- Dividend from retained earnings from the previous years 2004 – 2010 is not liable to income tax (according to the Law on Income Tax - no. 595/2003 Coll.).
- Dividend from retained earnings from the previous years 2004 – 2010 is not liable to contribution to the health insurance (according to the Law on Health Insurance - no. 580/2004 Coll.).
- The Company is obligated to pay dividend within 60 days from the definite date, i.e. by 26 August 2015.
- Documents which will be presented by shareholders should be sent to the company’s address (Department of capital management), or presented in person at the registered office of the Company.
- In case of the change in the data regarding the shareholder (e.g. change of surname, domicile, etc.) or the change regarding the person of the shareholder (e.g. due to inheritance, donation, sale) we kindly request shareholders to notify us of any particular change and to enclose the original document confirming the change or the authenticated copy of the public or other record thereof (e.g. marriage certificate proving the change of surname, confirmation of the acquisition of inheritance etc.).
- In case the transfer of the right to dividend was executed pursuant § 178 par. 2 of Act No. 513/1991 Coll. the Commercial Code, the person exercising the right to the payment of dividend will produce the original of the agreement, or any other document confirming its right to the payment of dividend.
- We kindly request shareholders to state in their correspondence their telephone numbers, or their email address for us to be able to communicate with them in an effective manner as regards the solution of possible ambiguities.