
    Tále, a.s.
    Registered Office: Tále 100, 97701, Horná Lehota, Slovak Republic
    CEO: Jozef Soták
    Telephone: +421 48 6712 201
    Telefax: +421 48 6712 202
    Web Site:
The company was established to provide services in the field of tourism. The complexity of the services provided in the field of recreation and sport at present ranks among the major operators of tourism in Slovakia.
    Registered Office: Mierová ul. 39335, 97646 Valaská, Slovak Republic
    CEO: Ing. Anna Kováčová
    Telephone: +421 48 645 1670, 645 1671
    Telefax: +421 48 645 1672
    Web Site:
The company aims is to provide transportation and forwarding services for Železiarne Podbrezová a.s. via truck shipments, ensuring transport of goods by rail, container transport of goods and co-operation in the implementation of overseas shipments.
    ŽP - Gastroservis, s.r.o.
    Registered Office: Mierová ul. 39321, 97646 Valaská, Slovak Republic
    CEO: Ing. Jana Kohútová
    Telephone: +421 48 645 1530, 645 1550
    Telefax: +421 48 645 1532
    Web Site:
The company produces fresh, refrigerated and frozen meals and provides comprehensive services in catering for Železiarne Podbrezová's employees and for external customers.
    ŽP Informatika s.r.o.
The primary mission of the company is to provide services in the field of information technology for Železiarne Podbrezová and its subsidiaries. The company also provides quality service to external customers.
    FK Železiarne Podbrezová a.s
    Registered Office: Kolkáreň 58, 97681 Podbrezová, Slovak Republic
    CEO: Ing. Vladimír Soták
    General manager: Miroslav Poliaček
    Telephone: +421 48 645 1240
    Telefax: +421 48 645 1222
    Web Site:
The company is one of two successor companies of ŽP Šport, a.s. Its main task is to operate the professional first-league football club and all youth teams.
    ŠK Železiarne Podbrezová a.s.
    Registered Office: Kolkáreň 58, 97681 Podbrezová, Slovak Republic
    CEO: Ing. Július Kriváň
    Team manager: Ing. Pavol Kühnel
    Telephone: +421 48 645 3034, 645 1232
    Telefax: +421 48 645 1222
    Web Site:
The company is the second successor company of ŽP Šport, a.s. The company operates a professional bowling club and youth cross-country skiing, cycling and downhill skiing teams. The bowling team has achieved notable successes in club competitions.
    ŽP Research and Development Centre s.r.o.
The main activity of the company includes research and development in the field of physical metallurgy, material moulding, finding green solutions in metallurgy, testing, measurement, analysis and control of materials structure. In addition, the company provides consultancy and training services in the field of research and development.
    ŽP Bezpečnostné služby s.r.o.
    Registered Office: Kolkáreň 35, 97681 Podbrezová, Slovak Republic
    Director: Mgr. Peter Suja
    Telephone: +421 48 645 2830
    Telefax: +421 48 645 2888
The company provides services in the private security sector in accordance with the Private Security Act. The company provides 24-hour guard duty, on-call services, connectivity and monitoring of sites via CCTV and electronic security system.
    ŽP Rehabilitácia s.r.o.
    Registered Office: Kolkáreň 35, 97681 Podbrezová, Slovak Republic
    Rehabilitation center: Sládkovičova 80/16
    97681 Podbrezová, Slovak Republic
    Executives: Ing. Ján Villim
    Telephone: +421 48 645 2700, 645 1512
    Telefax: +421 48 645 5002
    Web Site:
The purpose of the company is to provide the outpatient physiotherapy, balneology, therapeutic rehabilitation, and acupuncture services mainly for employees of ŽP GROUP and their families. Treatment and rehabilitation includes electrotherapy, physical therapy, therapeutic gymnastics, and phototherapy using modern laser device - LCT 1000.
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